Attracting your target groups requires much more than just well written words. It requires looking deeply into their minds and motives. That’s why steelecht provides you with more than just a native English-speaker copywriter. Tailored to your needs, our services also cover strategy, planning, conception, SEO, content marketing, campaign measurement and reporting. Let’s agree on a call-to-action for each measure and a desired conversion rate – your success will also be ours.

Cities have tall buildings – tall buildings have elevators. In this award-winning content marketing hub, steelecht provides thyssenkrupp Elevator (tkE) with our native English-speaker copywriter skills. Instead of simply selling vertical transportation, tkE wants to be seen as thought leaders in the urban space. Original English copy and content strategy by steelecht is matched with high-end graphics and programming by Elbkind, for a pioneering twist on the classic content marketing campaign.
Create a strategy, build a concept – move your brand
You want your brand to get noticed, your products to speak to people, your company to build on its reputation? We often are asked by customers to write copy about services, products, innovations, brands – you name it – but it shouldn’t be “adsy”. That’s our specialty. We understand content marketing – not only how to write the copy, but also how to conceive a content strategy and content marketing campaign.
We offer insights and knowledge to get your marketing campaign started – from planning to concept development to deployment. Each member of our team is more than a native English-speaker copywriter. We bring to the conception and strategy process many years of experience writing for all relevant channels. We understand how and where to spread your brand message to have the greatest impact on your target group. Let’s get talking!
Have an idea for a content marketing campaign? Learn more about our approach to Content Planning.
Need a native English speaker copywriter to help you come up with fresh ideas? Whatever the language or target group, take a look inside our services for Content Ideation.
Ready to harness the power of content marketing for your next marketing campaign? A native English speaker copywriter is ready to start working on your storytelling strategy!
Why you should consider a content marketing campaign
Does your company solve real-life problems? Your customers, both existing and potential, should easily find you on Google when looking for answers to the problems you solve. That’s what content marketing is all about: real-life problems or solutions described in engaging terms.
Content marketing is about creating and publishing content that meets the needs and wants of your target group. It includes answering their questions, providing solutions to their pain points and meeting their aspirations. It also means engaging and even entertaining them with interesting and relevant content.
Content marketing is a commitment to content; and is much more than a mere marketing campaign. It is a continual engagement opportunity. It is brand awareness at its finest.
The benefits of content marketing include:
- Greater levels of engagement – thanks to trust built through credible, personable and persuasive content
- Heavier usage of your website – driving visits from your target-group and customers, e.g. through search engine optimization
- Stronger brand awareness – which benefits customer acquisition and retention
- Increased sales – to customers who are curious about your offers through a discretely placed call-to-action
- Competitive advantage – with content that is of higher quality and more engaging compared to what is published by your competitors
Whether you need a German-speaking or native-English-speaker-copywriter, our team has the experience you need to develop a convincing content-strategy. For instance, we highly recommend using content marketing to build your company’s reputation as a thought leader. Positioning your company at the center of industry trends and issues helps place your products and solutions at the forefront of consumers’ minds. Read more about content marketing for thought leadership.
Know the benefits of content marketing, but aren’t sure how to get started with a content strategy? Talk to a steelecht native English-speaker copywriter to start the process.

At steelecht, all our translators are also writers. That means they not only speak more than one language very well, they are also highly skilled at producing quality copywriting. If corporate storytelling is important to you, steelecht’s experienced team of English and German copywriters will help you uphold your high standards in those languages – and every other language you communicate in.

When we write and edit texts at steelecht, our main goal is to help support your business objectives. That’s why we work hard to find the best words to capture your target group’s attention – and win over their hearts. We also love to please Google algorithms, which recognize and reward quality copywriting. Learn more about our writing services in English, German and other languages.